Monday 22 June 2020


Week 1: basic embroidery stitches.  Couched circles inspired by Richard McVetis' workbook on

That really is one week's worth of work.  They took AGES to stitch!

Week 2: Ainu embroidery.  There was a talk and workshop earlier this year at Japan House in High Steet Kensington.

Whilst researching Ainu patterns online I came across some examples of folded paper cutting of Ainu patterns, which is a great way to achieve the symmetrical pattern.  I developed some more templates from patterns I had found elsewhere on the internet.

So not much stitching in week 2 but I started stitching a pattern I had found on someone's headband:

Week 3: Kantha stitching.  Zero kantha stitching done this week as I was still doing my Ainu pattern and I had a RSN drawing class via Zoom on Saturday.

This was the unfinished piece I did in the autumn term and was intending to finish but it will have to wait.

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